Smog Check Technician Training
Gustafson Brothers is proud to offer Smog Tech Training and Smog update classes for students in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster, Newport Beach and all surrounding Orange County Communities. We are dedicated to helping our participants advance their careers in the automotive industry. We work in the industry and understand the importance of continued education. We have a comprehensive set of topics for you to choose from so you can tailor your educational needs.
• Smog Tech Training Location: 19161 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach CA 92648
• All classes based on minimum signup of 3 students per class*
Smog Tech Training for New and Returning Legacy Students
Smog Check Repair Technician Training
BAR Approved Smog Check Repair Technician Update Courses
Smog Check repair technicians are required to complete 16 hours of update training every two years as part of the license renewal process. The Smog Check Repair Technician Update Training course is intended to provide licensee continuing education on automotive technology and related diagnostic and repair practices. Training topics vary by course. Our current course is The UT74PHEV Technology and Safety class was developed to teach technicians how to safely service high voltage vehicles according to Federal Safety Standards. The course will broaden the student’s understanding of EV components, tools, safety and procedures such as glove use and other protocols required by SAE and OSHA.
Level 2 Inspector
This course is a 30-hours in length and is designed for Inspector applicants and covers the following topics: Safety(personal, shop, equipment and vehicle operations); Administrative requirements of Smog Check; Equipment Maintenance; Smog check inspection procedures; Emissions testing procedures; Smog Check inspection procedures; and General Inspection results when completing a Smog Check inspection. Students must successfully pass a series of hands-on assessments and pass a written examination.
This course is a minimum of 8 hours in length and is designed for Inspector who receives a citation from the Bureau of Automotive Repair where enforcement personnel determined that additional training is needed in order to satisfy penalty requirements assessed by the State. The topics include the following: Laws and Regulations; Smog Check inspection requirements for ASM and OIS; visual inspection procedures for diesel and gasoline powered vehicles; functional testing procedures for diesel and gasoline powered vehicles; tailpipe testing procedures; and obligations to consumers.